To my son, today you turned nine

Nine years old! Oh goodness, I can’t believe you are approaching double digits *sob*.

I find myself saying this every year, how are we here today? Celebrating the end of another chapter, another year, your 8th year. And looking forward to the start of a new chapter. Your 9th year. Writing these words always makes me feel so emotional. I find myself having to write every few days in the run up to your big day.

Dearest George, you continue to amaze me. With your bravery, your kindness. You continue to grow into the most gorgeous, kind hearted, sweet natured and funny little boy. Although you’re not so little anymore and are becoming more strong willed as each year goes by. For that, you are indeed a Mummy’s boy. You are nearly as tall as Linda, and creeping up on my shoulders. You have the biggest heart and a smile that melts the hearts of all those around you.

No longer are you my baby, you’re nearly in double digits. Gosh slow down. Thankfully there are no signs of my little boy disappearing – the cuddles and kisses and your affection are still very much a part of who you are. You are a sweet boy and I truly love that about you. We both do. You’re not afraid to show your emotions, hold my hand or lean in for a cuddle in front of your friends. I hope that follows you as you grow up, affection is a lovely part of your personality George.


What can I say about your 8th year?


Gosh – ‘2020’ it hasn’t quite been the year we had hoped for.

This was meant to be your year on so many levels. I say ‘was’ because this is the year the world was hit by a pandemic. In your 8th year the world went into lockdown, you had to stay at home with Mummy and Daddy for 6 months. There was no School, no sports, the football season was cancelled. The shops were closed. There were no days out. We couldn’t see friends and family. Everything changed. Everything stopped.

Despite all that you have been a shining example of patience, understanding and joy. You have helped me to get through this time. You have embraced this time together as a family. You have missed your friends, the routine of School and sports. But you have carried on and made the best out of the situation. Never failing to impress me.


In sport

I’m so sad that you didn’t get to complete your sporting years. You stormed ahead in the County Cross Country races – taking 5th place twice, 7th and 11th place in the heats. On your 9th birthday you were meant to be running in the County Final, which in itself sounds awesome. This would have been your 2nd year taking part. But wait there’s more – your School were in awe of your ability that they asked you to race up a year, running against Y5. You truly are a wonder. You smashed it. Last year you came 18th in the County Final.

In Football – where do I start. You’re in two teams, a star in both, contributing, leading, trying so hard, helping others. You train 3 times a week and play in 2 games. You score goals, your celebration is just ridiculous but as ever you are emulating your football heroes. You broke your wrist so had to miss a few matches – your coaches were gutted. They knew that the team would feel your loss. Well done George, that’s a huge achievement. You should be so proud – you are an integral part of the teams.


At School

You were on track this year to make so many advances, you were gaining so much momentum and have really enjoyed being in Y4 with Miss B. You were pushing ahead with your reading, making so much progress in your math classes and were really enjoying the creative side of English. For that reason I am so sad that the pandemic got in the way and will ultimately have an impact. You have already missed 3 months of School. You have tried so hard working from home with Mummy and Daddy but I know it’s been tough. Hopefully the support we have given you has been enough for when you return in September.


What else can I tell you

Football is still life. You can now ride your bike on the road, you have mastered this in lockdown. You now enjoy playing basketball and asked for a hoop for your birthday. You are addicted to watching Friends, F2 and Dude Perfect on You Tube. You still love pizza, bacon sandwiches and burgers. You also love Chicken Fried Rice, Salt & Chilli Spare Ribs. and Prawns – I love that you love Chinese food. Your best friend is Oscar and Josh is your 2nd best friend. You have two lovely friends and family there. You are a very lucky boy. You tie your hair in a bun like Joe Wicks, everyone says how cool you look. We agree.





As you have grown up this year I can feel us growing closer. Our relationship goes from strength to strength. You, George Archie are my greatest achievement. Keep being you George, never change. Be bold. Be brave. Be happy. Keep smiling. Happy birthday to you my gorgeous boy.

Love from Mummy x x


The KA Edit
The KA Edit

I’m Kerri-Ann or KA as my friends call me, always found with a cup of coffee in one hand and my camera in the other. I have a huge passion for photography, fitness, fashion and family travel. I started this blog in 2014. It began as my creative outlet after becoming a mummy to our little boy George Archie. I started out blogging about parenting and over the years it has evolved into a blog that covers lifestyle, fashion, family and travel. Today TheKAEdit is ultimately a life and style blog. Thank you for reading x x

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