Me and Mine in February.
Is it really the end of February? Gosh that month flew by. I’m certain I’ll say that a few more times over the year as I pull these posts together. Any month will go by quicker than January right?
It’s been a month filled with blue skies. A blooming lovely month with so much planning and late nights getting prepared. As I said in January we’ve enjoyed a slow start to the year and I couldn’t be happier with how 2019 has begun for our little family.
February has been a bit of a dream. The days have been longer, lighter mornings and evenings with signs of Spring shooting up all around us. The month has been wonderful. It’s been a mixture of family time, precious time together, days out as mummy and son, time together just Mr H and I as well as evenings spent with friends eating good food, drinking Gin and laughing lots.
And so let me tell you a little about, Chapter 2 of 2019…
The month started with the most gorgeous winter frost – blue, pink and orange skies. We are all a bit in love with a sunrise and sunset and couldn’t resist jumping up out of bed one Sunday, popping on our boots and heading out to see the day break.
And then Mr H and I escaped to a Spa for the day, surrounded by trees and the sound of nothing but bubbles in the Jacuzzi. Bliss. Heavenly. Very quickly followed by sunshine filled weekends enjoying the great outdoors. We’ve haven’t enjoyed as much time out as we would usually what with January being pretty wet
And then there was half term. It was lovely to be blessed with such nice weather. I think the whole of the UK was basking in the sunshine. I am certain that the weatherman knew we had some days out planned as the sun shone all week long. And lastly, a family walk to end the half term adventures. Eating our first ice cream of the year and not wearing winter coats. Quite simply February has been all kinds of wonderful.
And so, here are a few things we have been loving in February…
Painting a bowl with George at Emma Bridgewater, my pink hair, spending two days with Jenny and her family, wearing dresses & skirts with bare ankles and lastly eating my first ice cream of 2019.
Achieving his Level 8 Turtle Award at swimming, a sleepover at Jenny’s, half term adventures with Nanny & Grandad, playing with all his Toy Story toys ahead of our trip to Florida and lastly writing a PowerPoint presentation for his Teacher all about his half term fun.
Saturday evenings laughing with friends over good food, a walk around the lake at Trentham Gardens in the sunshine, finally finishing off the plans for our trip to Florida, researching a trip to Lapland as a surprise for George, sun filled days playing football on the field with George.

And that’s this months Me and Mine, our little family in February. In March we have Mr H’s birthday to look forward to – we are heading off to the Peak District to enjoy a weekend in a lodge as part of a blog collaboration. This year we are off to Sandybrook whereas last year we visited Darwin Forest, we loved our stay there so I am really excited to see what this site has to offer. This little break couldn’t come at a better time, it really is much needed by us all. What better way to celebrate Mr H’s 39th birthday than in a hot tub!