Christmas is officially loading.
The excitement is building after spending a lovely few hours laughing at the Pantomime, singing carols around the Christmas Tree, eating good food and drinking mulled wine. Christmas is officially loading.
The presents are wrapped and perfectly placed under the tree. The stockings are hung with gifts peeking out the tops ready to be unwrapped. Santa’s footprints have been laid, and Buddy the elf has left the house for one last time.
Our gorgeous boy is fast asleep dreaming of Santa and his reindeer. We have a glass of Bailey’s, the turkey is resting in a bucket of super juicy brine and we are ready to watch a Christmas movie. It won’t be long before laying our heads on fluffy pillows. Christmas is officially loading.
All that is left to say is have a happy holidays. May you have the most wonderful Christmas time with your loved ones x x