A little cliché for October but I had to share a pumpkin photo for this months round up with you right? I think with there being half term which sadly I couldn’t break for and darker days this month has dragged a little. Which might sound strange given that there was less light in each day and well lets face it less time to get out with my boys. On the plus side we have enjoyed some gorgeous autumn walks and even managed to take our furry baby with us now he has fully recovered from his operation. What can I tell you about our adventures in Autumn? Well, we have definitely made the most of our family time with three out of four weekends being devoted to just that, family time.
I love this monthly project, for no other reason than looking back through my camera roll and remembering those little moments ordinary in themselves, and sometimes the ones which disappear amongst the big ones. I have also started to capture our month in a short film as well, here is Septembers Snapshots & Scenes if you would like a little snoop. I’ve shared them with Nanny and she cried, George loves them and keeps asking to show them to his friends which makes me so proud. I often wonder if I am guilty of trying to capture too much but in all honesty I want the memories, I want to be able to show them to my grandchildren, to look back on our family photos when we are old and grey and remember all the adventures we shared, all the memories we made.
Before I move on to sharing our month with you I must introduce you to the lovely Laura from Little Ladies Big World who has joined me as co-host for this lovely project. Like me she has a passion for photography and capturing family life. I would love #MyFamilyAdventures to grow and so I have enlisted the support of Laura to help me in that quest. We will also be sharing our own favourites over on Instagram so don’t forget to join in over on there too.
And so here are a few words and photo’s from our month…
From Autumn walks trudging through crunchy leaves, hunting for conkers, finding bright red mushrooms, riding the runaway mine train in the dark and meeting some ghostly creatures at Scarefest to visiting the Manchester Museum and learning all about the resident T-Rex. We have had so many wonderful days together. We have of course picked out our pumpkins – October wouldn’t be so without bright yellow balls filling our fields, eaten a huge slice of rainbow cake and enjoyed a play date with the lovely Jenny from Let’s Talk Mommy. I adore that she has become one of my biggest blogging friends online and offline and best of all our children have become friends too.
One thing for certain that has come out of recording our family adventures each month is how much I have noticed our boy growing up. He looks so big lately, he is behaving that way to and despite the moments when he is feeling unwell and needs a mummy cuddle he really is developing an almost teenage look about him, or maybe that is just an attitude developing? And for that reason I will continue to capture his childhood as I am very aware that one day these days will be gone and I will be left with a teenager who won’t want to feed the ducks and hold my hand.
Are you ready to read all about everyone else’s adventures in October? Grab a cuppa and enjoy a little snoop around, don’t forget to stop by Laura’s blog, with having two hosts now you’ll receive double the love. Thank you so much for joining in with this project, so many of you have stuck with me all year and I really do appreciate it. As there are now two of us hosting we have decided to remove the badge and ask that you add a simple link back to where you have linked up so that people know where to join in the fun if they fancy.

Such gorgeous autumnal photos and I know what you mean about the teenage look I swear Eva is 6 going on 16 some days and I’m desperate to stop time! Lovely to co host with you x
Thank you lovely, oh and I agree about the 6 going on 16. And yes it is lovely to have you join me as co-host x
Your boy really is starting to look grown up, and his top teeth are certainly helping with the look of an older child. I love your photos, your instagram feed is always so beautiful, and that photo of all four of you walking is just gorgeous – you should print and cherish that one, especially after this month’s emotions for your beautiful dog. Thanks for hosting x
He is Sherry, oh my goodness his teeth are killing me right now, I’m desperate for them to come through fully. I will definitely be printing the family photo, one to treasure x
Such stunning photos and a great idea for a monthly project. I love that you said that George loves showing all of his friends. I hope Ethan and Logan will be proud of the moments I’ve captured for them. xx
Thank you Alex, it would be lovely to have you join in the project. I’m so happy George is proud of what I do and how we share our moments as it would be tough if he didn’t x
Gorgeous photos. I sometimes worry I overcapture too but I love looking back! Glad your fur baby is on the mend. Sounds like a lovely month with lots of family fun.
Thank you Claire. I’m the same but really can we be guilty of capturing too many memories? x
Such lovely autumnal photos. I’m really pleased to be joining in with this linky as I always use your myfamilyadventures hashtag on IG and it’s nice to have a blog link up too. I’ll be joining in each month I hope! xx
Thank you Amelia. It’s lovely to have you join in over on IG as well as here on the blog x
Gorgeous photos, I especially love the pumpkin ones and the one of your little man with his hood up, that’s a gorgeous shot. There is something about mushrooms this year, I have about thirty mushroom photos from the last 6 weeks, I just have to take a photo when I see a different variation! I love that George wants to show all his friends your photographs, I think I’d much rather capture too much than forget, and I hope my four feel the same when they are older x
Thank you Hannah, so lovely of you to say. I think you’re right its best to capture all the memories x
Gorgeous photos as always Kerri Ann. How wonderful that George wants to show your videos to all his friends – he must be so proud of you. You summed up exactly why I take so many photos and try and capture so much.
Thank you Chloe, its so lovely to have the memories. x
These photos are so full of colour and totally reflect your gorgeous Instagram feed! I love the mushroom shots in particular x
Such beautiful, bright photos. You always look like you have the best of times. Love that one of George with his hood up, he’s such a cutie x
Thank you love, we definitely try to make the most of our weekends. That photo is one of my favourites too x
They sure do grow up really quickly. May you have many more moments enjoying feeding the ducks together. Thanks for hosting #MyFamilyAdventures
Oh they do and sometimes I’m quite taken aback by how quickly time is passing us by. Lovely to have you join in – next month’s post goes live on Sunday x